Herald of Civil Procedure

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Judge of the Tomsk Regional Court


The problem of the correct choice of forms of legal proceedings in this article will be considered
in a narrow aspect, through the influence of the codification of legislation, analysis
of the nature of such rules of law as аrt. 11 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on
the procedure for judicial protection of civil rights, art. 12 of the Civil Code of the Russian
Federation on how to protect civil rights, art. 13 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation
on the invalidation of acts of subjects of public authority. The relevance of the research
topic is due to the practical tasks of correctly determining the type of legal proceedings, as
well as determining the place and role of administrative proceedings as an independent
element of legal regulation and a form of judicial activity, the need to increase its effectiveness
in achieving the goals of protecting the rights, freedoms, and legitimate interests
of citizens and organizations. The rationale for the existence of the problem in this aspect
is that many procedural scientists assign the role of the “life form of material industries”
to the procedural branches, as a result of which one of their criteria for differentiating civil
and administrative proceedings is the branch affiliation of the method of protection chosen
by the plaintiff. In the literature, there are judgments that cases considered in the order
of administrative proceedings are clearly defined by law in the Special Part of the Code of
Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation and cannot be expanded and supplemented
without introducing appropriate changes to the legislation.

Keywords: administrative proceedings; civil proceedings; legal dispute; judicial control;
goals and objectives of civil proceedings and administrative proceedings; ways to protect
rights, freedoms, legal interests.


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Information about the author

M.B. Velichko (Tomsk, Russia) – Judge of the Tomsk Regional Court (3-32 Karla
Marksa St., Tomsk, 634009, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]).

Recommended citation

Velichko M.B. Vliianie kodifikatsii zakonodatel’stva na vybor form sudoproizvodstv:
administrativnogo ili grazhdanskogo [The Influence of Codification of Legislation on
the Choice of Forms of Court Proceedings: Administrative or Civil]. Vestnik grazhdanskogo
protsessa – Herald of Civil Procedure, 2021, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 225–236. (In Russ.)