Herald of Civil Procedure

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Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor,
Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law,
Saint Petersburg State University of Economics


Procedural and legal principles, among which the right to judicial protection is of
fundamental importance, reflect the specific patterns of judicial protective legal relations,
innovative ideas of procedural legal doctrine and the results of the development of judicial
practice. The procedural principles of law serve as criteria for assessing the effectiveness of
the country’s judicial and legal policy and further modernization of the judicial and judicial
legislation. An algorithm for the formation of the principles of law, including the principles
of civil (arbitration) legal proceedings, within the framework of the dialectical-materialistic
paradigm of scientific knowledge is considered. It is noted that positive authorization
in the regulatory system of the state at the constitutional or sectoral level is a necessary
prerequisite for the transformation of objective laws of public life into the principles of
law and their subsequent inclusion in the mechanism of legal regulation. At the same
time, it is substantiated that when building the concept of procedural principles of law,
one should rely on democratic tendencies in domestic and international processes, form
a constitutional attitude and new approaches to the study of the system of principles of
law on the basis of a combination of decades of experience of dialectical and materialistic
perception of principles of law with natural law ideas. Particular attention is paid to the
consideration of constitutional and sectoral powers that form the content of the right to
judicial protection, as a procedural principle of law, and acting as guarantees of ensuring
legal certainty and legal security of civil procedure. A number of practical proposals are
made to improve the civil (arbitration) procedural legislation aimed at increasing the
efficiency of the institution of judicial protection in modern Russia.

Keywords: principles of law; justice; judicial protection; civil procedure.


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Information about the author

A.A. Fomin (Saint Petersburg, Russia) – Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor,
Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law, Saint Petersburg State University
of Economic (21 Sadovaia St., Saint Petersburg, 191023, Russia; e-mail: fominpenza@

Recommended citation

Fomin a.a. Pravo na sudebnuiu zashchitu kak konstitutsionnyi printsip pravosudiia
(na primere tsivilisticheskogo protsessa) [The Right to Judicial Protection as a Constitutional
Principle of Justice (on the Example of Civil Procedure)]. Vestnik grazhdanskogo
protsessa – Herald of Civil Procedure, 2021, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 89–106. (In Russ.) https://