Herald of Civil Procedure

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Doctor of Legal Sciences, Action Head of the Department
of Civil Procedural and Business Law, Faculty of Law,
Samara National Research University


In modern conditions, the abundance of various open sources of official information
(mainly on the Internet) makes legally significant information on the case available to
an indefinite circle of people. In the current reality, obtaining evidentiary information of
this kind does not seem to be excessively labor-intensive for the court. The article discusses
whether it is advisable to artificially restrict the court in obtaining this information only
for doctrinal reasons of presenting evidence by persons participating in the case, and
whether it is unacceptable for the court to collect evidence on its own initiative. The existing
restriction seemed to be relevant in conditions where the evidentiary information was of an
exclusive nature, and it was associated with certain efforts for the parties to obtain it. At
the moment, the court is able to conduct a kind of “judicial investigation”, which is aimed
at both discovering new information and verifying the information provided by the parties.
By “judicial investigation” the author does not mean any formal procedure integrated into
civil or arbitration proceedings, but rather a functional, cognitive aspect of judicial activity.
Through “judicial investigation”, the court acquires a powerful tool for establishing and
verifying the facts alleged by the parties. Considering possible arguments “for” and “against”
such an investigation, the author leans in favor of its admissibility, despite the fact that it does
not have a general character, does not turn into a purposeful search and collection by the
court of information about the parties to the process and the case on the Internet, but turns
into a targeted means of checking individual legally significant circumstances of the case.

Keywords: evidence; proof; evidence from the Internet; activity of the court in civil proceedings;
collection and presentation of evidence; distribution of the burden of proof; electronic evidence.


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Information about the author

A.V. Yudin (Samara, Russia) – Doctor of Legal Sciences, Action Head of the Department
of Civil Procedural and Business Law, Faculty of Law, Samara National Research
University (34 Moskovskoe Av., Samara, 443086, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]).

Recommended citation

Yudin A.V. «Sudebnoe rassledovanie» v grazhdanskom i arbitrazhnom protsesse
[“Judicial Investigation” in Civil and Arbitration Procedure]. Vestnik grazhdanskogo
protsessa – Herald of Civil Procedure, 2021, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 44–59. (In Russ.) https://