We in a citing index:
Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor,
Head of the Department of Civil Procedure,
Ural State Law University
The article examines certain aspects of the competition of legal and jurisdictional systems
on the example of systems of common and continental (civil) law. The main attention is
paid to the analysis of the report “Civil Legal Traditions in Question: On the Reports of
the Doing Business of the World Bank”, prepared in the framework of the Association
of Friends of French Legal Culture named after Henri Captain. The examples of export
of law on the example of the creation of the MFC “Astana” are considered, a number of
Russian laws are analyzed, aimed at increasing, in the opinion of their developers, the
competitiveness of the Russian jurisdictional system. At the end of the study, the author
notes that the condition for the full “coverage” of all possible corporate disputes by the
arbitration agreement is the subordination of the MC and MF to foreign law. Another
final thesis of this work is the idea that the living environment for participants in economic
relations in Russia should be convenient and comfortable both from the point of view of the
legal framework and law enforcement. Also, it is noted that increasing the attractiveness
of the Russian jurisdictional system is an extremely urgent task, which determines the
formation of conditions for increasing economic stability, intensive development of the
social sphere and comprehensive progressive development of the country.
Keywords: legal systems; jurisdictional systems; court; competition; Henri Captain’s report;
Doing Business reports; AIFC; SAR.
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Information about the author
V.V. Yarkov (Yekaterinburg, Russia) – Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Head
of the Department of Civil Procedure, Ural State Law University (21 Komsomolskaia
St., Yekaterinburg, 620066, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]).
Recommended citation
Yarkov V.V. Konkurentsiia pravovykh sistem: mif ili real’nost’? [Competition of Legal
Systems: Myth or Reality?]. Vestnik grazhdanskogo protsessa – Herald of Civil Procedure,
2021, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 13–29. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.24031/2226-0781-