Herald of Civil Procedure

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Associate Professor, Department of International Private and Civil Law
named after S.N. Lebedev, MGIMO University

Postgraduate Student, Department of International Private and Civil Law
named after S.N. Lebedev, MGIMO University

Postgraduate Student, Department of International Private and Civil Law
named after S.N. Lebedev, MGIMO University

Master of Law with Knowledge of a Foreign Language,
MGIMO University

DOI: 10.24031/2226-0781-2020-10-6-137-176

This article presents a scientific analysis of mediation based on legislation and legal doctrine
of Russia, France, Spain, and the USA. This paper also explores different types of mediation.
The concept and types of mediation have been researched repeatedly by scholars. However,
a common understanding has not yet been achieved. The authors of the article carry out
a comparative legal analysis of the concept and types of meditation in Russia, France, Spain,
and the USA. The purpose of this article is to determine the legal nature and essential
features of institute of mediation through the analysis of its various definitions set forth
in the legislation and expounded in the respective legal doctrine in Russia, France, Spain,
and the USA; to identify existing similarities and differences between those definitions and
to carry out a comparative legal analysis of different types of mediation.

Keywords: mediation; types of mediation; intermediation; reconciliation; conciliatory
procedures; forms of alternative dispute resolution.


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Information about the author

Vershinina E.V. (Moscow, Russia) – Associate Professor, Department of International
Private and Civil Law named after S.N. Lebedev, MGIMO University (76 Vernadskogo
Av., Moscow, 119454, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]).

Konovalov D.V. (Moscow, Russia) – Postgraduate Student, Department of International
Private and Civil Law named after S.N. Lebedev, MGIMO University (76 Vernadskogo
Av., Moscow, 119454, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]).

Novikov V.S. (Moscow, Russia) – Postgraduate Student, Department of International
Private and Civil Law named after S.N. Lebedev, MGIMO University (76 Vernadskogo
Av., Moscow, 119454, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]).

Khokhlacheva S.V. (Moscow, Russia) – Master of Law with Knowledge of a Foreign
Language, MGIMO University (76 Vernadskogo Av., Moscow, 119454, Russia; e-mail:

Recommended citation

Vershinina E.V., Konovalov D.V., Novikov V.S., Khokhlacheva S.V. Poniatie i vidy
mediatsii v zakonodatel’stve i pravovoi doktrine Rossii, Frantsii, Ispanii i SShA [Concept
and Types of Mediation Set Forth in the Legislation and Expounded in the Legal
Doctrine in Russia, France, Spain, and the USA]. Vestnik grazhdanskogo protsessa –
Herald of Civil Procedure, 2020, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 137–176. (In Russ.) https://doi.