Herald of Civil Procedure

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Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor,
Head of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines, Institute of Law
of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

DOI: 10.24031/2226-0781-2020-10-6-114-136

The article deals with the formation and development of the Institute of special knowledge
in civil procedure until 1917. In the development of the Institute of special knowledge in the
pre-Soviet period, there are three stages: Zemsky (9th to the end of 15th century.); Moscow
(16th–17th century.) and Imperial (18th – early 20th century). The use of special knowledge
originated with the appearance of the proceedings. Initially, special knowledge was used
primarily to resolve civil disputes. The transformation of the Institute was influenced by
judicial practice and the development of special knowledge. The model of the institute of
special knowledge in civil proceedings developed by the second half of the 19th century.
It included the concept of special knowledge, the status of a specialist (expert), the procedure
for some research and some forensic preventive rules. The most important provisions of the
pre-revolutionary Institute, distinguishing it from the existing modern model, are: 1) the
identity of the status of holders of special knowledge involved in dispute resolution; 2) the
main role of the court in the appointment of examination (research) and the appointment
of experts from among persons who have the legal right to engage in expert activities. The
reception of these provisions could streamline enforcement.

Keywords: civil procedure; special knowledge; old resident; third party; competent person;
expert; criminalistic preventive rules.


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Information about the author

A.V. Vereshchagina (Vladivostok, Russia) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate
Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines, Institute of Law
of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service (41 Gogol St., Vladivostok,
690014, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]).

Recommended citation

Vereshchagina A.V. Spetsial’nye znaniia v grazhdanskom protsesse: k istorii voprosa
[Special Knowledge in Civil Proceedings: The History of the Issue]. Vestnik grazhdanskogo
protsessa – Herald of Civil Procedure, 2020, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 114–136. (In Russ.)