Herald of Civil Procedure

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Candidate of Legal Sciences, Senior Researcher, Department of Civil Legislation and Procedure,
Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government
of the Russian Federation

DOI: 10.24031/2226-0781-2020-10-6-42-65

The need to develop alternative dispute resolution methods has long been known, but most of
all out-of-court dispute resolution is required in consumer relations. The expansion consumer
access turn to dispute resolution and filing complaints even for small requirements will help
to increase respect for consumer rights and, in general, create a favorable economic climate.
The lack of a legal basis for resolving consumer disputes hinders the effective protection of
their rights and is not typical of foreign legal systems. In this regard, the draft Federal law
“On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation ‘On Consumer Rights Protection’
and the Federal Law ‘On Alternative Dispute Settlement Procedure with the Participation
of a Mediator (Mediation Procedure)’ in Order to Create a Legal Basis for the Development
of Alternative Online Dispute Resolution” has been prepared. The article analyzes this draft
law, compares the projected norms with approaches implemented in foreign legislation, and
suggests measures to improve the current legislation on the protection of consumer rights
by creating an online platform for the settlement of consumer disputes.

Keywords: alternative dispute resolution; consumer protection; online dispute resolution;
civil procedure; consumer disputes


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Information about the author

M.O. Diakonova (Moscow, Russia) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Senior Researcher,
Department of Civil Legislation and Procedure, Institute of Legislation and Comparative
Law under the Government of the Russian Federation (34 Bolshaia Cheremushkinskaia
St., Moscow, 117218, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]).

Recommended citation

Diakonova M.O. Al’ternativnye sposoby razresheniia sporov s uchastiem potrebitelei
[Alternative Methods to Resolve Consumers Disputes]. Vestnik grazhdanskogo protsessa
– Herald of Civil Procedure, 2020, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 42–65. (In Russ.) https://doi.