Herald of Civil Procedure

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Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Intellectual Rights,
Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Law,
Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)

DOI: 10.24031/2226-0781-2020-10-5-64-82

This paper addresses the issues pertaining to the usage of intellectual property, with the
main focus being the use of exclusionary rights as a collateral; economic and legal obstacles
hindering the development of this institution in Russia are also identified. Imperfect system
of exclusionary rights appraisal is highlighted as a prime reason for the under-utilization
of intellectual property as a collateral. The procedure of foreclosing the intellectual property
is investigated; legal gaps that have negative impact on its efficiency are identified and
evaluated. In conclusion, the authors note that the features of levy of execution on exclusive
copyright provided by the law and the conclusion of court practice based on this that
copyright manuscripts cannot be levied at all, reflect the optimal model of regulation that
takes into account the moral rights of authors (including the right to promulgation). The
law provides an opportunity both for the author of a work, the performer in relation to
performance, and for their heirs to decide whether to give the exclusive right the opportunity
to be an economic asset with security value or not.

Keywords: collateral; exclusionary rights; intellectual property rights; intellectual property;
foreclosure; collateral appraisal; enforcement proceedings.


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Information about the author

L.A. Novoselova (Moscow, Russia) – Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Head of
the Department of Intellectual Rights, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
(9 Sadovaia-Kudrunskaia St., Moscow, 125993, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]).

O.S. Grin (Moscow, Russia) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor,
Department of Civil Law, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) (9 Sadovaia-
Kudrunskaia St., Moscow, 125993, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]).

Recommended citation

Novoselova L.A., Grin O.S. Realizatsiia intellektual’nykh prav v kachestve predmeta
zaloga (protsedurnye aspekty) [Realization of Intellectual Rights as Collateral (Procedural
Aspects)]. Vestnik grazhdanskogo protsessa – Herald of Civil Procedure, 2020, vol. 10,
no. 5, pp. 64–82. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.24031/2226-0781-2020-10-5-64-82