Herald of Civil Procedure

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Candidate of Legal Sciences,
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Civil Law of the Law Faculty
of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

DOI: 10.24031/2226-0781-2018-8-6-226-259

The article distinguishes the terms “protection” and “assertion” of rights, the analysis of
existing in science opinions about the concept of the protection of civil rights. The author
answers on the question of the definition of the legal nature of the right to defence and gives
the estimation of available positions in the scientific literature. Next on the basis of an analysis
of the means, forms and methods of protection of the subjective rights highlighted the
elements of the mechanism of civil law protection of the rights of the parties under the loan
agreement. The article also examined the concept of “a form of protection”, described the
scientific classification of the forms of protection of civil rights. It is established that the parties
of the contract of loan defend their rights both in jurisdictional and non-judicial forms,
but they cannot apply measures of self-defense. However, in non-judicial forms of protection
of their rights, the parties of the contract of loan can benefit from measures operational
impact, which unlike the self-protection measures were legal, as opposed to actual actions
and, therefore, their application entail legal consequences. It has been proven that depending
on the subject of the loan agreement shall apply a concrete measure of operational impact.
If non-judicial form of protection is elected, application of operational impact protection the
parties to the contract of loan provide a statement (notification), claim, refuse acceptance
of defective performance, the requirement of due performance of obligations, hold conciliation
procedures (e.g. mediation), etc. Within the jurisdictional protections of civil rights
by the parties to the contract of loan protections are claim, complaint, statement, petitions
and other appeals to the competent authorities of the requesting for protection. Also the article
includes an analysis of the ways how to protect the rights of the parties under the loan
agreement. It is concluded that the application of a protection method depends on the type
of loan agreement (household, consumer), the subject of the loan agreement (money, other
things with certain generic characteristics). The importance for a differentiated approach
to civil legal protection of the rights of the parties under the loan agreement, depending on
the subject composition, namely, depending on whether the lending activities is a professional
one or not is proved. Also it is proved the need for differentiation of the mechanism
of protection of the rights of the parties under contract of a cash loan or cloth loan due to
the fact that in each of these agreements the parties have different set of rights that are subject
to protection by different forms, ways and means.

Keywords: loan agreement; protection; assertion; remedies; forms of protection; protection


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Information about the author

Khabirov A.I. (Kazan, Russia) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Senior Lecturer of
the Department of Civil Law of the Law Faculty of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal
University (420008, Kazan, Kremlyovskaya St., 18, Room 236; e-mail: art.khabir@gmail.

Recommended citation

Khabirov A.I. Sredstva, sposoby i formy grazhdansko-pravovoj zashchity prav storon
po dogovoru zajma: teoreticheskij aspekt [Means, Methods and Forms of the Civil Protection
of Parties’ Rights Under a Loan Agreement: Theoretical Aspect]. Вестник граждан-
ского процесса = Herald of Civil Procedure, 2018, no. 6, p. 226–259. (In Russian) DOI:

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