Herald of Civil Procedure

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Postgraduate Student of the University of Management “TISBI”

DOI: 10.24031/2226-0781-2018-8-5-213-244

Land disputes occupy a special place among other legal proceedings, which is explained by
the significance of the land and its resources. Land disputes arise when actions of participants
in land relations (including state bodies) or their unjustified inaction violate someone’s
rights and interests. When resolving disputes arising from land legal relations, quite often
a number of problems arise related to the specifics of this category of civil cases. As practice
shows, if some categories of cases are studied well enough and when they are examined by
the courts, everything is extremely clear and regulated by material and procedural norms,
then when resolving land disputes it turns out that theoretical studies in this area remain
insignificant. The article is devoted to the study of the concept, essence, causes, and procedure
for resolving land disputes. The article covers approaches to the definition of the concept of
land disputes, analyzes the historical aspect of the emergence of disputes arising from land
legal relations, gives examples from the legislation of the Russian Federation and judicial
practice, examines various types of land disputes and their features. The author touches the
issues of jurisdiction over cases and jurisdiction of disputes arising from land legal relations
and identifies a number of problems, in particular, in determining the jurisdiction of this
type of dispute, a number of peculiarities concerning the subjective component of the judicial
process considering land disputes.

Keywords: land disputes; procedural features; land relations; civil procedure; settlement
of disputes.


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Information about the author

Bariev A.G. (Kazan, Russia) – Postgraduate Student of the University of Management
“TISBI” (420000, Arsk, Marshal Zhukov St., 26; e-mail: [email protected]).

Recommended citation

Bariev A.G. Zemel’nye spory: postanovka problemy, obshchie polozheniya,
protsessual’nye osobennosti [Land Disputes: Problem Statement, General Provisions,
Procedural Features]. Вестник гражданского процесса = Herald of Civil Procedure,
2018, no. 5, p. 213–244. (In Russian) DOI: 10.24031/2226-0781-2018-8-5-213-244

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