Herald of Civil Procedure

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Candidate of Legal Sciences,
Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Procedure
of the Saratov State Law Academy
Ph.D., Assistant Professor of the Department of Civil Law of the Faculty of Law
of the Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic)

DOI: 10.24031/2226-0781-2018-8-5-147-173

The article is devoted to a detailed analysis of the concentration of civil procedure in Russia
and the Czech Republic. Attention is paid to the origins of the concept of concentration of
civil procedure and its international significance. The main scientific views on concentration
as the principle of civil procedure are subjected to research, differences between the
concentration of procedural material, evidentiary material, concentration of procedural
actions are made. In view of international judicial practice, the concepts of “circumstances
of the case” and “facts” are differentiated. The authors studied in detail the manifestations
of the concentration principle in civil cases by Russian and Czech courts. The actions of
the court and persons involved in the case, contributing to the timely and legal settlement
of disputes are systematized. The positive and negative aspects of the application of the
principle of concentration in civil proceedings, as well as factors that prevent the full use of
the concentration of the judicial process are identified. The authors, in relation to national
legal systems and judicial practice, have proposed ways to improve the efficiency of the
concentrated consideration of cases by the courts. The independent subject of the research is
exceptions to the principle of concentration, including in the aspect of incomplete appeal as
a legal institution known to the Russian and Czech civil procedure. Full appeal in Russian
civil procedure is evaluated from the position of concentration.

Keywords: concentration of civil procedure; evidence; procedural material; court of first
instance; acceleration of the civil case; incomplete appeal; facts; circumstances of the case.


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Information about the author

Borisova V.F. (Saratov, Russia) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor
of the Department of Civil Procedure of the Saratov State Law Academy (410056, Saratov,
Chernishevskogo St., 104/308; e-mail: [email protected]);
Chalupa R. (Brno, Czech Republic) – Ph.D., Assistant Professor of the Department
of Civil Law of the Faculty of Law of the Masaryk University (611 80, Czech Republic,
Brno, Veveří, 70; e-mail: [email protected]).

Recommended citation

Borisova V.F., Chalupa R. Kontsentratsiya grazhdanskogo protsessa v Rossii i Chekhii
[The Concentration of Civil Procedure in Russia and the Czech Republic]. Вестник
гражданского процесса = Herald of Civil Procedure, 2018, no. 5, p. 147–173. (In Russian)
DOI: 10.24031/2226-0781-2018-8-5-147-173

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