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The Mechanism for Ensuring the Unity of Judicial Practice in Ukrainian Civil Proceedings

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Civil Procedure 
of the Yaroslav Mudriy National Law University 

The article is devoted to topical issues of ensuring the unity of judicial practice in civil proceedings in Ukraine. The main doctrinal approaches to understanding the category «unity of judicial practice» are disclosed. It is proposed to consider the unity of judicial practice as the quintessence of certain aspects of the principle of legal certainty. As part of the study, a comparative analysis of the mechanism for ensuring the unity of judicial practice in the civil procedural legislation of Ukraine in the period 2010–2017 and the new version of the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine in 2017 is given. Particular attention is paid to ensuring the uniform application of the law by the new Supreme Court, in the context of the return to it of the powers of the court of cassation. The Supreme Court is the highest judicial authority that has the duty and the responsibility for ensuring unification of the judicial practice in civil proceedings; and to achieve this goal the law provides the Supreme Court with a number of procedural and non-procedural tools. A number of problematic provisions of the new legislation affecting the effectiveness of the mechanism for ensuring the unity of judicial practice are revealed. Based on the results of the study, ways of improving the current civil procedural legislation are proposed. 

Keywords: unity of judicial practice; principle of legal certainty; Supreme Court; judicial precedent; preliminary inquiry. 


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Information about the author 

Popov A.I. (Kharkov, Ukraine) – Candidate of Legal Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Civil Procedure of the Yaroslav Mudriy National Law University (Ukraine, 61024, Kharkov, Pushkinskaya St., 77, Room 87; e-mail: alexpopov.kh@ gmail.com). 

Recommended citation 

Popov A.I. Mekhanizm obespecheniya edinstva sudebnoj praktiki v grazhdanskom sudoproizvodstve Ukrainy [The Mechanism for Ensuring the Unity of Judicial Practice in Ukrainian Civil Proceedings]. Вестник гражданского процесса = Herald of Civil Procedure, 2018, no. 2, p. 221–238. (In Russian) DOI: 10.24031/2226-0781-2018-8-2- 221-238

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A.I. Popov