Herald of Civil Procedure

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“Evidence of Behavior” in the Civil and Arbitration Procedure (to the Question of the Evidentiary Value of the Facts the Procedural Conduct of Persons Involved in the Case)

A.V. Yudin , 
Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor of the Department of Civil Procedure 
and Business Law of Samara National Research University 

The article discusses the problem of evidential value of the facts procedural conduct of persons involved in the case, which can be defined as “evidence of behavior”. This concept is known and actively investigated in the criminal procedural law, while civil procedural doctrine it is not used. The paper concludes that the evidence of behavior apply to circumstantial evidence and use them to establish evidentiary occurs (interim) of the facts of the case. The author argues that with the help of clues can be carried proving conduct substantive facts relating to the substance of the dispute. Of particular importance are situations when the procedural conduct of the person is contrary to the approved their substantive facts that allows the court to come to certain conclusions about the unknown facts. The article deals with the various forms of procedural behavior that can get the value of the evidence in the case of behavior under certain conditions. 

Keywords: proof in civil proceedings; circumstantial evidence; evidence of behavior; proving the facts procedural behavior; legal proceedings. 


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Information about the author: 

Yudin A.V. (Samara) – Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor of the Department of Civil Procedure and Business Law of the Samara National Research University name of the academician S.P. Korolev (443011, Samara, Academic Pavlov st., 1a; e-mail: udin77@ mail.ru).

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A.V. Yudin