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The Concept of the Unified Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation – from Discussion to Implementation

O.V. Isaenkova, 
Doctor of Legal Sciencies, Professor, Head of the Department of Civil Procedure, 
Director of the Law Institute of Legal Administration of the FSBEI HPO «Saratov State Academy of Law» 

The article analyzes the content of the Concept of the unified Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. Unification of civil procedure of Russia is characterized, its future direction is determined. The author tries to keep the most successful developments of existing Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and apply it to all civil proceedings. At least two ways of development of events concerning the reform of civil procedure are highlighted in recent publications: the first way is formation of a new, modified system of review and dispute resolution, making of numerous amendments to hundreds of legal acts, and the second way is adoption of a new general civil procedure code in the process of unification of legislation in civil and arbitration processes. Especially we would like to note as worthy of attention an offer of uniform terminology of judicial decisions, it would lead to the unity and the end of unnecessary discussions about names of decisions. Introduction of the principle of justice to the item 1.3 of the Concept, despite the significant number of scientific papers devoted to it and practice ECHR, seems premature, especially because the formulation of justice is still blurred and hardly be able to help in the application of principles – the use of analogy of law. 

Keywords: civil procedure law; civil procedure; civil proceedings; the Concept of the unified Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.


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Information about the author 

Isaenkova O.V. (Saratov) – Doctor of Legal Sciences, Head of the Department of Civil Procedure, Director of the Law Institute of Legal Administration of the FSBEI HPO «Saratov State Academy of Law» (410056, Saratov, Chernyshevsky st., 104, Department of Civil Procedure of the Saratov State Academy of Law; e-mail: [email protected]).

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O.V. Isaenkova