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The Impact of Electronic Justice to the Issues of Jurisdiction of Civil and Administrative Cases

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Business Law, Civil and 
Arbitration Procedure of the Law Faculty of the Perm State University 

The analysis of the mutual influence of the institution of jurisdiction and electronic document management is based on the unifying idea of ensuring the accessibility of justice. The first function of subject jurisdiction recognizes the differentiation of the procedural form of cases, which, on the one hand, is caused by the need to quickly consider certain categories of disputes and, on the other hand, is justified by the division of cases by significance. With regard to this function, the possibilities of the institution of jurisdiction are put to doubt by the author. A more promising trend is the expansion of the scope of application of simplified judicial proceedings. Such a decision is closely connected with the fulfillment of the majority of procedural actions in electronic form. Approximation of the court to the population is considered as the second function of the subject jurisdiction, which can be more realized if the electronic algorithm that determines the jurisdiction of the claim functions. The mechanism of territorial distribution of cases in the form of rules of jurisdiction is aimed at creating convenience for the parties to the dispute to participate in the consideration of the case. But in the case of a partial transfer of procedural actions to the electronic sphere, another function of territorial jurisdiction, which is to reduce the groundless appeals to the court, is taken to the background. 

Keywords: electronic document management; jurisdiction; access to justice; simplified judicial proceedings; abuse of right. 


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Information about the author 

Lyubimova E.V. (Perm, Russia) – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Business Law, Civil and Arbitration Procedure of the Law Faculty of the Perm State University (614000, Perm, Levchenko St., Bldg. 6, Room 152; e-mail: Lubimova.evgenya@gmail. com). 

Recommended citation 

Lyubimova E.V. Vliyanie elektronnogo pravosudiya na voprosy podsudnosti grazhdanskikh i administrativnykh del [The Impact of Electronic Justice to the Issues of Jurisdiction of Civil and Administrative Cases]. Вестник гражданского процесса = Herald of Civil Procedure, 2018, no. 1, p. 200–210. (In Russian) DOI: 10.24031/2226-0781-2018- 8-1-200-211

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E.V. Lyubimova